Monday 16 September 2013

DIY miniature book charms

Hmm well I made these miniature books quite awhile back.. around May 2013 and I think that they look super cute! I used a few different tutorials online and took parts from each of them to create my own. I originally made 4 but I gave 1 away to my friend on her birthday and another 1 to my sister ^3^

These are the 2 I kept for myself. I turned one into a necklace and the other one is a keychain! I didn't have many small things that I could had used to decorate them so I had to improvise by cutting apart an old broken skull bracelets and using the metal skull beads; then also using old golden chains and bracelet parts c:

They take quite a little while to make, around 30-60 minutes because of waiting for the glue to dry most of the time. I think the hardest part was using a ruler to rip of tiny pages that all had to be the same size! Haha - I ended up ripping and wasting quite a few sheets of paper because it was so tricky.

As you can see how small and cute they are from the photos above!

I want to make tutorials for things that I make but I get worried that no one would use them and think that it would be a waste of my time if I made tutorials :-(

But if people comment and ask for a tutorial for anything then I would be more than happy to make a tutorial for you guys reading this! But I'm starting university on the 30th September so I will be very busy after that date!

#peaceout :)

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