Wednesday 12 March 2014

Class art trip around London


My illustration and visual media class had quite an enjoyable trip together walking and taking the train all around London to see some galleries!! We first went to the Camden Arts Centre but it wasn't very impressive nor interesting so I didn't take any photos there, oops!!

But then we travelled to the Barbican Centre where we exhibited the Momentum exhibition and this was actually the second time I went... I got much better photos this time though, so it was definitely worth going this time again. 

Such a lovely view outside of the centre!! It was literally so nice.. There was a clean river side with ducks and so many cute flowers, plus cute fountains :)

So dark and smokey inside!!! But also very interesting and it really messes with your mind and view with the minimal amounts of lighting with smoke, as well as the scary alien noises haha

It's meeeee! Photo taken by my friend, Alisa

Had lunch in the cemetery where I tried to pet a squirrel and it jumped at my hand and scratched me :( so scary 

We then continued the class trip to Pace London gallery in Green Park, where we exhibited the James Turrell exhibition ^_^ I honestly didn't understand this exhibition at all first. It was only 3 parts of a room containing 3 different screens of coloured lighting. My tutor later explained it to me that the pieces of light are to change the mood and make you feel different things

I got some pretty good photos here I think. I love how all the people are creating black shadows against the coloured screens :)

That was the end of the group trip to different exhibitions around London unfortunately!! My feet were almost dead after walking so much

Sun almost setting in London at Trafalgar Square, so beautiful ^ o ^

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Hannah's birthday - 9/Mar/2014

(Late post) Also this was a belated birthday haha! Had so much fun in London with my friends. We had lunch at Tokyo Diner in Chinatwon together and it was my first time ever eating Japanese food!

it was very tasty and a good large potion for the price it came for ^_^

Haha but too big that I couldnt finish it all :( it was tasty though

Hannah bought her friend, Rina along who Alisa and I had never met before but she is a very lovely girl. Too bad that she had to leave after the meal for a piano lesson. GROUP SHOT!! Awkward photo because Alisa's arm wasn't long enough to hold the camera to get us all in the photo ;')

After the lovely meal, we went to visit our friend Nadine who was working all day at a pub in Covent Gardens. We just went to laugh at her working a bit but we ended up staying and getting drinks as well!

My first time even in a pub and I got a drink there too, coke and malibu rum eeeeeeek. It was actually really tasty!!! I'd definately like to go to a pub again too :)

Street performers in Convent Gardens acting cool ^^^^^^

Beautiful warm weather 

A cute stone stall in Convent Garden Markets, I bought myself a amethyst necklace stone here and I turned it into a necklace and its now my favourite necklace hehe ;D

Lovely blue/grey skies to end the evening in London.