Friday 7 February 2014

Kemistry Gallery

Today my 2 classmates and I went to Shoreditch High Street to see the Text exhibition currently being held at the Kemistry Gallery, London. Our tutor asked us to go here in place of lesson because the whole university was on strike for a day then we were assigned to do a 300-500 word essay on the exhibition after the visit :)

Inside was a bit small and cramped!!! I was expecting a larger gallery space at least. The small gallery was just a small white box and it was a bit cramped and some of us found it hard to move around each other to take photos without barging each other haha. I liked the layout of the pieces, however there wasn't any artist name plates on any of the works meaning I had no idea who's work it belonged to; I did really want to research into some certain pieces but couldn't because of that...

Gallery space maybe two times bigger than my living room.

After the short gallery visit, we snooped around Shoreditch to see if there was anything nice to see like a shopping centre or more galleries.. But there seemed to be nothing interesting around within the mile from the station - We took a trip around the streets in front of the station to see lots of amazing graffiti pieces :)

My friend pointed out the 'me gusta' meme face stuck up above this shop and it made me laugh!! It was so random yet cool.

I really loved this!! I had to run across the road just to get a photo of it. It looks so lovely - I wouldn't mind having this piece on my bedroom wall :)

On the way back to the station we saw a gate which had dozens of pad locks on it with couples' names written on it; similar to that bridge in France (I think it's France) where couples would lock a pad lock onto the bridge, write their names onto the lock and then throw the key into the river - I think it's some sort of thing to symbolise that your love is locked and will last forever! Very sweet ^o^